
Back in October, I got on Amazon and started the process to becoming Kindled.  Now, Kindling isn’t the kind of thing you’d think.  While some books might light a fire under you, I’m talking about the Amazon electronic book thingie, “The Kindle.”  Let’s just say, it was a nightmare.  I filled out every question, answered every one, and waited.  I got an email.  “Please prove that you are who you say you are.”  Oh gee.  How thoughtful of you to ask.  Well, I can spell the name correctly.  Shouldn’t that be enough?  You’d think, right?

Well, then I found a new POD publisher.  I like Createspace.  It’s my friend.  I have a much FASTER trek to Amazon and I don’t have to pay to get on Barnes & Noble with them.  The Amazon thing makes sense.  After all, they own Createspace.  What I didn’t get was why they made it fast and easy to get on their competition.  Whatever.  I’m thrilled.

Well, last night, I was doodling around Amazon and decided that since I’d moved all my books to Createspace, maybe it’d be a faster process to do the Kindling now.  So, I tried it.  They tell you it takes 24-36 hours.  HA.  Twelve hours later, I’m officially Kindled!  YIPPEE!

Check it out!  We’re talking the latest thing in books!  I’m on the cutting edge of technology with my un-techy stories!  So, here they are!

Ready or Not

Noble Pursuits

Argosy Junction

Ain’t it just COOL!

Welcome to the 21st Century

I’m here in Modesto.  I’m shopping at booths for books.  It’s cool.  I love book shopping.  As you well know if you’re a homeschool mom.  There was this book I wanted-  By Douglas Bond.  Thought you’d wanna know.


Anywho,  I couldn’t remember the name of it.  I found it when I was on my way somewhere else and then couldn’t find it again.  So, I came back to the room and whined.  It went something like this.


“I didn’t find that book!  Remember that one by Douglas Bond?  I can’t remember the name.  Now they’re closed.  I’ll have to just buy one the old fashioned way.”




For the record, I wasn’t joking.  It was an automatic statement.  I’ve come to the place in my life when buying online from Amazon or something is “old fashioned” and buying in person is “novel.”


Gives new meaning to a “novelty.”