The Annals of Wynnewood: Shadows and Secrets

Series: The Annals of Wynnewood

Title: Shadows and Secrets

Book: One

Author: Chautona Havig (that’d be me)

Publisher’s Synopsis: No one knows what the cloaked creature is or why it is so terrifying.  The villagers of Wynnewood only know they must stay away from ‘the Creature’ for fear of their physical and spiritual safety.

An unfortunate encounter with a dragon introduces Philip Ward to the Creature, and to his surprise, he finds a friend, confidante, and companion in more adventure than he’d ever dreamed possible.

Follow Philip and the creature as they rescue a lame child, discover ‘pirate treasure’, and test the mettle of true friendship.

Shadows and Secrets is the first book in the Annals of Wynnewood.

Well, this book was one of the most unexpected of any of the books I’ve ever begun.  I was sitting, writing another book (that is yet to be finished), when I wondered what medieval superstitions would do with differences that we often see as unique.  I wondered about portwine stains, ‘hare lips’ (as they were called back then),  and similar anomalies.  Within hours, I had several chapters written and the rest is history.

No fantasy book is complete without a map of the area, so I begged everyone I knew to suggest an illustrator.  My friend Michele immediately demanded suggested that I contact her friend Craig.  Being the obedient person I am, I did.  Craig was so enthusiastic about my little underpaid project, I knew the map would be brilliant.  And don’t you agree that it is?

Isn’t it just the most amazing thing?  I am so thrilled with it and I can’t wait to see what he does with the map for the sequel, The Unicorns of Sceadu.

Shadows and Secrets is written for fantasy lovers of all ages (and has been enjoyed by young children through adults), but my target audience was 11-15 year olds.

If you’d like a copy, feel free to email me at chautona @ chautona . com or hit the paypal button.  I’d be happy to sign it for you, wrap it for you, and get it to wherever you need it to go by Christmas.

In keeping with my tradition of giving away a copy of a book, I’ve decided to give away a copy of this book, gift wrapped if you request it, and shipped wherever you want!  Feel free to enter as often as you like, but make sure someone has entered between your entries (no back to backs).

Book will arrive in time for Christmas.  This contest ends November 30, 2009.

53 thoughts on “The Annals of Wynnewood: Shadows and Secrets

  1. the fantasy loving dad of the kids above and the fantasy loving husband of the wife above who isn’t so much into fantasy but loves maps would also like to enter. The who refers to the wife btw. If the husband had actually written this himself, the sentence structure would not have been so awkward.

  2. The Tribe is in desparate need of a read aloud that will take us away from the piles of laundry, the math books, the lost pencils and let us enter a world we could never imagine.

    Hee, hee. Ok, maybe that is just me.

  3. Joshua’s friend Austin would also love it and will also loan it to Anne Michal to read and of course Anne Michal will also let her mother read it at the same time. good thing I go to bed later than she does.

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